Limnobium spongia

Family Hydrocharitaceae

Species Profile

Species classification Invasive [NSW's Noxious Weeds]
Common namesAmerican Spongeplant, Spongeplant
SynonymsHydrocharis cordifolia Nutt. [Illegitimate]; Hydrocharis spongia Bosc; Limnobium boscii Rich. [Illegitimate]; Limnobium spongia subsp. laevigatum (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Lowden; Rhizakenia ovata Raf.
Growth formAquatic, Herb
Seed dispersal morphologyFleshy fruit/Edible/Aril, Adhesive (burrs, sticky, awns, hairs etc)
Maximum height (m)0.5
Capable of vegetative reproductionYes
Native rangeNorth America
Exotic range (Australia)NSW
Exotic range (other)Information unavailable
Habitat types (exotic)Water bodies, Wetlands
Soil type (exotic)Aquatic
Decade of introductionInformation unavailable

Rating [?]

Climate scenario Australia ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA
Current climate 20641216614164
RCP 8.5 2050 20681216816162
RCP 8.5 2070 2081012161016162

Maps of Habitat Suitability & Recorded Occurrences

Click thumbnail to enlarge and scroll through maps

Current suitable habitat

2050 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

2070 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

Recorded occurrences

Recorded occurrences


Click thumbnail to enlarge image

Further Information